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Collectible One Oz Silver

Collectible one oz silver pieces are typically what gets an investor going. Collectible meaning silver rounds or bars that are designed to attract sports fans, history buffs, or music devotee into the silver collecting arena.

Silver has been minted into many different designs over the last few decades and the fun of collectibility can be mashed with the seriousness of financial investment.

Collectible Silver for Almost Any Interest

The most common way for an investor to get started with silver is through collectibles. Collectible silver comes in two forms which are rounds and bars. These silver pieces are minted in almost any interest. One fine example is NASCAR silver.

These rounds feature popular NASCAR drivers and may attract the racing fan in all of us...

collectible silver
NASCAR Collectible Silver

Sports figures are another big draw. These wre sometimes made available at stadiums and arenas in the gift shops. Collectible sports silver made great gifts for the sports fan and that's probably where they saw the most action.

collectible sports silver
Collectible Sports Silver

Another theme in the collectible silver market is the holiday rounds and bars. They were stamped out with the intention of being given for gifts. The front of the collectible is typically the holiday design, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc. The back side of the silver was usually an area reserved for engraving.

I must admit, of all the holiday themed items I have seen in coin shops and coin shows, very few have ever been actually personalized. Not sure if the personalization didn't catch on or what. So if you find an engraved round or bar, you've actually got yourself a rare one...

collectible holiday silver
Collectible Holiday Silver

Another example of collectible silver is the mock would be the mock coins. These silver rounds are made to look like traditional American coins, the only diffeence being they are pure silver rounds and not actually designed to be used as money in the current monetary system. I guess they really shouldn't be considered fake coins, a better term would be mock coins.

collectible silver fake coin
Collectible Silver Fake (Mock) Coin

This is a work in progress, so stay tuned. I am always updating my silver collecting experience. I will most likely add in more pics of 1 ouncers and maybe even some fractional rounds as I find them. Saving silver for retirement is fun and exciting, hopefully the collectibility angle will be rewarding for those who save it in the end.

Some of these collectibles are listed on eBay from time to time. Read more about buying silver on eBay.


See Also: Buying Silver Online | Silver Investing FAQ | Silver Investing 101 | Silver Showcase | Retiring with Silver | Silver in a 401K Retirement Plan | Coins, Rounds, or Bars | Get Rich with Silver | One Oz Silver Rounds | Where to Buy Silver Safely | Physical Silver VS Paper Investments